About the CARIN HL7® FHIR® Directory Framework Initiative

The CARIN Alliance is an HL7® FHIR® accelerator initiative that includes a group of multi-sector stakeholders focused on the ability for consumers and their authorized caregivers to easily get, use, and share their digital health information when, where, and how they want to achieve their goals. Specifically, we are promoting the ability for consumers and their authorized caregivers to get digital access to their health information via non-proprietary application programming interfaces or APIs. We envision a future where any consumer can choose any application to retrieve both their complete health record and their complete coverage information from any provider or plan in the country.

In order for that vision to become a reality, consumer-facing applications need to easily discover and connect to HL7® FHIR® endpoints in production. Since we don’t expect any US Government entity to publish the endpoints in a single location, CARIN anticipates there will be numerous private sector partners who will publish these endpoints. We support and encourage the publication of these endpoints by multiple private sector partners.

Our contribution to the community via this website is to provide a common API directory framework that we hope will get adopted by the private sector based on feedback we’ve heard from our CARIN consumer-facing application community who have attested to the CARIN code of conduct on the MyHealthApplication.com website.

The goals of this project include:

Provide a common, desired API directory framework that includes the data elements that are needed for applications to connect to data holders and to provide guidance to any organization who is publishing HL7® FHIR® endpoints

Crowdsource HL7® FHIR® endpoints from various data holders as a free public service Direct application developers to other private sector efforts who are providing HL7® FHIR® endpoint directory services (e.g., validation, certification, etc.) using the CARIN HL7® FHIR® Directory Framework

Important note: This initiative will be 100% crowdsourced by the health care community. CARIN does not and will not confirm, validate, or endorse any of the information on the website. The user should use the information at their own risk. We expect the health care community to self-regulate and manage the content on the website by reaching out to the contacts listed in the directory for additional clarification on specific HL7® FHIR® endpoints.

Contribute to the Directory